Kid's Ministry Archives - Page 3 of 5 - One Hope Canada

Kid’s Ministry


How to Create a Good-News Environment

The culture we create as adults lays a crucial foundation for children to understand and grow in their own love for Jesus.

Watch the first in a video series exploring what a good-news environment looks like and how we can create spaces that reflect the grace, mercy and truth of Christ.


Three Ways to Think Small

Sometimes bigger isn’t better. Go counter-cultural and “think small” when it comes to sharing the big news of Jesus’ love with the kids in your life. Practical suggestions for re-aligning your focus and getting to know the kids in your life.


Kid-Friendly Links to Beat Bible Boredom

Dusty relic or living Word? We want the next generation to know the awesome story of the Gospel and God’s great rescue plan for us. Read on for some digital resources (and links to free downloads) to help beat Bible boredom and get your kids—and you—into God’s Word!

Blog, English

One Big Thing to Grow Your Faith

Every time we reflect on the greatness of God and what He did through the cross, our faith in all other areas of life grows. One big thing you can do to grow your faith and an object lesson to help you and your kids remember that God is greater than our struggles…we can trust Him!

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