Wonder and Light: Finding Hope in a World of Despair
How we can look to “the Light that shines in the land of deep darkness” even when the world tries hard to squash the flame of hope.
How we can look to “the Light that shines in the land of deep darkness” even when the world tries hard to squash the flame of hope.
Santa or no Santa; how do you approach this seasonal conundrum with your family? What the man behind the myth can teach us about God’s great love this Christmas season.
Five things to refocus your heart on Jesus when the chaos gets to be too much.
Leviticus isn’t usually the first book we turn to at Christmastime. But these Old Testament rules and regulations actually have a lot to teach us about Gods extravagant love and why we can enter the presence of the Kings of Kings.
Who do you say Jesus is? How the season of Advent helps us understand the full significance of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection.
Everything we say or do in the home, church, or classroom should ultimately point children to Jesus. Questions you can ask to see if you’re on track!
As disciple-makers in our homes, we’re called to teach our children to love like Jesus. How you can help your family learn what it means to love our neighbours…even when that’s hard to do.
How do you cope when peace seems in short supply? How we can make the most of unexpected changes to show kids God is kind and good!
What kind of faith is God looking for? What the “faith giants” of the Bible can tell us about real faith…and doubt! (Includes a fun object lesson for your kids!)
Is it okay for a Jesus-follower to have questions when things get hard? Three take-aways from the story of Gideon for a fresh perspective on faith and doubt.