The word “point” means to direct attention, give force or emphasis. It’s the most critical essential in a discussion or matter, and it’s the object to be achieved.
Are you a Christian parent, children’s ministry worker or teacher in a Christian school? Everything you say or do in the home, church or classroom should ultimately point children to Jesus.
It’s because Jesus wants children to “belong to him alone” (Titus 2:14 GNT).
The primary responsibility of every Christian parent, children’s pastor and teacher is to direct children’s attention to Christ. Jesus is “the founder and perfecter of our faith” Hebrews 12:2 (ESV). Our role in the faith development of our children is, therefore, to emphasize and imitate Jesus in ways that help children embrace Him.
Plainly stated, if you’re a Christian parent, you should purposefully structure family life around daily rhythms, routines and rituals that point your children to Jesus. And, if you’re involved in children’s ministry or Christian schooling, you should resource and reinforce what parents are doing to point their children to Jesus.
Everyone should be doing everything possible to point children to Jesus. The overriding aim in the home, church and school should be to reach, rescue, root and release children to love and live for Jesus.
Are you on point?
You may agree there’s nothing more important than doing everything to point children to Jesus, but are you doing this?
Are your values to the point? Do you give a high degree of importance to what Jesus would think, say or do?
Is your discipline to the point? Do you regulate the behaviour of your children to reflect the righteousness and justice of Jesus?
Is your Bible time to the point? Do you help your children find Jesus in every Bible lesson?
Are your activities to the point? Do you do things together that help children see and experience Jesus?
Are your prayers to the point? Do you and your children direct your prayers to Jesus as well as listen and respond to Him?
Is your worship to the point? Do you and your children praise Jesus with harmonies and melodies that come from your hearts?
Is your life to the point? Do you speak and act, in all circumstances, in ways that point your children to Jesus?
When something’s to the point, it’s relevant. When we say something is beside the point, we’re saying it’s irrelevant. Jesus should never be beside the point. He is the point!
Forgive me for belabouring the point; we’re only doing what we should be doing when we’re Jesus-centric. If we make Jesus an afterthought or confine Him to the margins, we’ve missed the point. I’m not stating an opinion. From beginning to end, the Bible points to Jesus. God’s grand plan is that Jesus would be the One around whom we live our lives. This Good News is one of the reasons why the Gospels slowed down the Story by telling and retelling the details about Jesus’ birth, life, death, resurrection, ascension and promised return.
Stay on point.
Teaching children biblical morals and values is not the point.
Teaching children doctrines and dogmas is not the point.
Teaching children the rituals and rites of the church is not the point.
And teaching children to be friendly, responsible, productive people is not the point.
These things, while worthwhile and sound, are sub-points, not the main point. Jesus is the main point. There isn’t anything more important than Jesus. As someone said, “There are many causes in life – but there is only One Answer.” That’s not to say you shouldn’t teach children biblical morals, doctrines, rituals and such. It’s to point out that these things are secondary, so you should only teach them in ways that help children draw closer to Jesus.
Hopefully, I’ve made the point. The whole enchilada should be about Jesus – period! So don’t emphasize other things over the main thing. Everything we do must point to Jesus – everything!

Lawson Murray is the president of Scripture Union Canada. This article first appeared on the Children’s Ministry Basics, a blog of Scripture Union Canada. It is reprinted and used with permission.