So why DID God roll the stone away from Jesus’ tomb? After all, can’t the newly resurrected Jesus walk through walls?
In this Hope Blog video, Bill digs into the question to find a great reminder, for kids and adults alike, about the amazing truth of Easter!
More Easter resources to explore as a family:
Easter Faith Building Activities (FREE download from Adventures in Odyssey – Focus on the Family)
Twas the Morning of Easter (Book by Glenys Nellist)
I Believe DVD (FREE download of scripture set to music from Seeds Family Worship)
Ideas for how to talk about Jesus’ resurrection with your kids (Christie Thomas – Little Shoots, Deep Roots)
Colouring pages (FREE downloads from Tiny Truths Bible)
Easter activities (FREE printables for under-5s from Trueway Kids)
More on The Hope Blog:
How to Create a Good News Environment: Five part series
Searching the Deep: A Good Friday reflection