Explore-One Hope Canada

What We Do

One Hope Canada clearly communicates the Gospel through Bible camps, community ministries, digital discipleship, and the development of Gospel-centred resources in English and French. We partner with 400 local churches across the country so more than 30,000 children and youth can discover Jesus each year.

Camps bibliques

Since the very first tents were pitched on the shores of Lake Winnipeg in 1928, Bible camp has been one of our ministry mainstays. Camp gives children, youth, and adults exciting opportunities to learn about Jesus, grow in faith, and build relationships while enjoying fun activities in beautiful settings from the west coast of B.C. to the shores of Newfoundland, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick.

Community Ministries

Community ministry is diverse and creative, focused on sharing Jesus with those who have the least opportunity to hear about Him. Ministry happens in local settings, often in partnership with churches, including day camps, after school clubs, faith communities for adults with diverse abilities, vacation Bible schools, nursing home ministry, online opportunities, and more.

Digital Discipleship

We help bring discipleship home with the FaithSpark app for students and leaders. This digital tool is a safe, effective platform to help leaders stay connected with the students in their ministries, while continuing important conversations about faith and life.

Training Resources

Explore Gospel-centered resources that help families and leaders share Jesus more effectively.
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