Hope Blog

When Tragedy Strikes

The news left a nation reeling; innocent children victimized by those who were to love and care for them. Shock, grief,sadness, outrage…we struggle to process acts of such unthinkable proportions. The good news? God is not distant. His Word offers a guide to help us through.

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Why Telling Your Story Matters

When we take time to look back and take note of how God has worked in our lives, it not only encourages us, but the next generation as well. Share the Gospel with your kids by telling your story.

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What the Gospel has to Say About Justice

Justice is a big topic weighing heavy on many hearts and minds. How do we, as people of faith, work through these issues? How can we help our kids come to terms with what they are hearing and seeing, and perhaps even experiencing?

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One Big Thing to Grow Your Faith

Every time we reflect on the greatness of God and what He did through the cross, our faith in all other areas of life grows. One big thing you can do to grow your faith and an object lesson to help you and your kids remember that God is greater than our struggles…we can trust Him!

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